Weekly Summary of German chemistry jobs

The last two weeks, not a lot happened on this blog, this was partly due to the Easter holidays, but also due to a friends PhD-defense. 

I presented a lot of job offerings from companies like Fuchs Petrolub, Celanese, BP, and of course BASF (1, 2, 3).

Also, I had a look at the unemployment data from March 2012 for chemists in Germany. Compared to February, there is a slight increase of open positions, and a decrease of unemployed people. Seems like good news…

A study of the German Federal Employment Agency shows that 50% of unemployed chemists are under 35 years of age. A reader suggested that a lot of PhD students write their theses while unemployed, I also think that there may be delays between the PhD and finding a postdoc, or an industrial position. 

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