Unemployment among German chemists

Firstly, I am trying to keep up with with my schedule, so here I have new unemployment numbers for chemists in Germany. There is a further decline in total unemployment to 8858 persons. Experts unemployment stays more or less the same, and the number of chemists looking for a job is even rising.

You can see the development since 2012 on my statistic page.

But there are more news regarding the German job market, I read them in the Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2014, 62, 1239 (Link for subscribers):

  • Salaries in the USA for PhD chemists declined from $80’000 to $75’800 (median). Their source is actually ACS, so you all probably knew this.
  • In Germany, female chemists earn 18% less than male chemists, according to the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.
  • And finally, companies in Germany are missing 123500 experts, among them 75’000 technicians, and only 48’600 (5% less then last year) with a university background (this is probably special in Germany with its dual education and formation system). Translated to US vocabulary, this means that more people with a bachelor level education than with a MSc or PhD are needed. You can look this up here.

Have an nice christmas holiday and a happy and successful new year!

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